This spell alters one aspect of an unborn creature according to the wizard's will. Only external features can be changed with this spell. Its operation is very uncertain; the base chance of success depends on the aspect and the manner in which the wizard wants to affect it. Some changes require two or more generations to manifest themselves fully (these are abbreviated to "G:" for example, G3 is the 3rd generation. Each generation might produce defects. The DM should arbitrate success chances as required. Typical chances include:
- Coloring: base or spots, stripes, etc. -80%
- Covering: hide (GO), fur (G2), scales (G6), leathers (G9). -40%
The number of generations to go from one to another is the difference in rating (scales to feathers takes three generations).
- Toughening: Two generations required per AC shift, to about 5 above base-20%, plus current AC x 5% (e.g. AC 5 to AC 4 is 45%).
Non-magical resistance to fire, cold acid, etc. can be bred, but not invulnerability.
- Limb Endings: These affect either a pair of limbs, or a tail: enlarged claws, spiked tail, manipulative digits. -10%
- Limbs, Whole: Add or modify a pair of limbs or a tail, minimum two generations: wings, prehensile tail, increase speed (by 1 MV). -30%
- Senses: More acute hearing, vision, smell, touch, or taste. -50% Infravision or ultravision can be increased 30 feet per generation to 120 feel maximum.
- Mouth: Teeth size, hollow incisors, these take two generations. -40%
- Noise (larynx): Alters pitch, volume, etc. -70%.
Failure means an aspect might change in a way other than that intended, a different aspect may change, nothing may happen, the chance of defects may arise, or a combination of these possibilities may occur (see table). In these cases, if there is a successful alteration in an early generation and a failure in the subsequent generation, the partially altered strain is still useful as advanced breeding stock since it carries one generation's worth of change. However, a partial alteration will tend to disappear entirely in three generations.
d% | Distortion I Failure |
01-30 | Right aspect, wrong way |
31-70 | Nothing happens |
71-80 | Wrong aspect affected |
81-90 | Raise defect chance 10% |
91-00 | Roll twice, ignoring rolls above 90. |
The material component is a silver model of the creature in question (worth 200 gp x the creature's Hit Dice) which must be hammered flat during the casting.
Notes: Very rare. (Updated from IMAGINE Magazine.)