Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

An elite organization of land-owners, the Order of Crystal Dawn recognizes business acumen and successful resource management. It provides investment advice and low-interest loans to its members, and serves the community with charity drives and financial counseling.

Members of the order, having demonstrated financial responsibility throughout their careers, are no longer bound by the paladin's stricture that forbids the accumulation of wealth. However, members are still expected to use their wealth for lawful good purposes, and are not allowed to acquire material possessions merely for the pleasure of ownership.

Requirements: A candidate must have a minimum Intelligence score of 10. He must also have built a stronghold and held it for a decade; the stronghold must have generated a profit for no less than seven of the 10 years. The value of his stronghold and property must be at least 200,000 gp. Finally, he must pay an initiation fee of at least 5,000 gp; he may pay a higher fee if he likes (the higher the fee, the higher his endowment; see "Benefits"). A paladin may save money for the fee without violating his ethos.

Organization: A chapter, consisting of 20 to 40 members, is governed by seven High Officers known as Regents. Replacement Regents come from the rank and file, elected by a vote of the active Regents. To qualify as a Regent, a member must have the Law proficiency, and the net worth of his stronghold and property must have doubled since he joined the order. The oldest Regent, called the Senior Regent, chairs the meetings.

The Regents handle the investment of the initiation funds and distribute endowment income to eligible members. They also provide counseling, at no charge, to any lawful good person in financial trouble. Though Regents are forbidden to make loans to anyone other than members of the order, they may arrange loans with established moneylenders and negotiate repayment plans with creditors.

The Regents also mediate in legal disputes among paladins. Any paladin may petition the Regents for a hearing, regardless of whether he's a member of the order. The disputing parties must agree in advance to abide by the Regents' decision. The Regents' decisions are considered legally binding by most lawful good governments.

All Regents have their names inscribed on a commemorative plaque, prominently displayed on the stronghold wall of the order's Senior Regent.

Emblem: A golden rising sun.

Motto: "Peace from prosperity."

Benefits: By exchanging contacts and information, members can usually find sources of goods and services costing 10-50% less than normal. After five years in the order, a member becomes eligible for an annual endowment, generated from the investments of his initiation fee made by the Regents. The endowment ranges from 20-50% of the fee (1d4+1 times 10%), paid every year. For instance, if a member paid a 5,000 gp initiation fee, he earns an annual endowment ranging from 1,000 to 2,500 gp. The member must tithe from his endowment. Most members use the remainder to improve their strongholds, add to their property, or make charitable donations.

Dismissal: A paladin dismissed from the order loses his endowment and forfeits his initiation fee.
