This spell is a more limited form of the dispel magic spell that is specifically designed only to bypass wards. Any glyph of warding, symbol, magic mouth, wizard lock, spell from the priest sphere of wards, or similar magic (as adjudicated by the DM) can be canceled by this spell, and every such ward in the area of effect must be checked when the spell is cast to determine if it is dispelled. This spell does not work against wall spells (wall of fire, wall of iron, etc.) or protective sphere spells (prismatic sphere, antimagic shell, etc.). Rather, it attempts to negate spells cast upon an item or entrance to guard it. Unlike casters of dispel magic, casters of dispel ward do not have option to directly affect enchanted items and temporarily negate their effects.
The chance to dispel a ward depends on the difference in level between the magical effect and the caster. The base chance of dispelling is 11 or higher on 1d20. As with a dispel magic spell, if the caster is of higher level than the ward to be dispelled, the difference is subtracted from the base number needed. If the caster is of lower level, the difference is added to the base. A die roll of 20 always succeeds and a die roll of 1 always fails. Thus, if a caster is IO levels higher than the ward magic she or he is trying to dispel, only a roll of 1 prevents the effect from being dispelled.
Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi god Set of the Forgotten Realms setting.