Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Disguise spells & proficency, see Disguise.

Player's Handbook[]

The character with this skill is trained in the art of disguise. He can make himself look like any general type of person of about the same height, age, weight, and race. A successful proficiency check indicates that the disguise is successful, while a failed roll means the attempt was too obvious in some way.

The character can also disguise himself as a member of another race or sex. In this case, a -7 penalty is applied to the proficiency check. The character may also attempt to disguise himself as a specific person, with a -10 penalty to the proficiency check. These modifiers are cumulative, thus, it is extremely difficult for a character to disguise himself as a specific person of another race or sex (a -17 penalty to the check).

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

Disguise: Characters trained in this proficiency can conceal their appearance through makeup and costuming. If they seek simply to alter their appearance without concealing size, sex, or race—for example, to go out in a city without anyone discovering what they look like—they can succeed without a proficiency check.

If the task is more difficult—the character in disguise meets and talks with an acquaintance, for example—a successful proficiency check is required. Characters who try to alter the appearance of their sex, race, or size, must make successful proficiency checks with a –2 penalty for each category.

Characters who attempt to disguise themselves as specific persons must make proficiency checks when they encounter and speak with someone who knows the other individuals. All of these checks suffer an inherent –2 penalty.

Note that the talent of impersonation (see traits) can improve a character's success with the disguise proficiency.
