A psychoporter can use her control of dimensions to make her sword into an infinitely sharp blade by making it two-dimensional. Almost any hand-held weapon can be altered with this power, even bludgeoning weapons such as hammers or maces. Only jointed, chain, or rope weapons (such as whips, flails, or nunchuks) cannot be made into dimensional blades.
While this power is in effect, the psionicist's weapon ignores any armor worn by the victim. Only Dexterity and magical protection apply. For example, a gladiator with an 18 Dexterity in hide armor is AC 6 instead of AC 2. In the case of monsters, the DM must decide if the creature's Armor Class is due to thick, armor-like hide or natural quickness. In addition, the blade gains a +2 to hit and a +2 to damage rolls.
The dimension blade can also be used to cleanly sever inanimate objects, such as an opponent's weapon, a stone pillar, or the axle of a wagon. Any object struck by a dimension blade must make an item saving throw versus disintegration or be sliced in half.
Power Score: The dimension blade scores double damage in addition to all other benefits.
20: The weapon the psionicist is trying to affect shatters, inflicting 1d4 damage on the psionicist.