Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

Some psionicists can make a bush self-destruct, or cause a zombie to explode. With the detonate power, latent energy inside plants or inanimate objects can be harnessed, focused, and released explosively. The power even works against animated undead (skeletons and zombies). It does not affect noncorporeal undead, such as ghosts, because they aren't material. Furthermore, the science has no effect on animals of any sort, including intelligent creatures such as humans, or undead with free will.

The detonation inflicts 1d10 points of damage upon all vulnerable objects which the psionicist chooses to attack, within 10 feet. A saving throw vs. breath weapon reduces damage to half. To determine what percentage of the object was destroyed, multiply the result of the psionicist's power check by 10. If the product is 100 or more - i.e., 100% or more - the target has been completely destroyed. Anything less means a few significant chunks remain.

No more than 8 cubic feet of material can be destroyed with this power. A portion of a wall can be blown out, for example, but if the wall is 10 inches thick, an opening about 3 feet square will appear.

Power Score - Damage and range double, to 2d10 points and 20 feet, respectively.

20 - The air surrounding the initiator detonates; everyone within 10 feet of him is attacked.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

With this power, the user harnesses, focuses, and explosively releases the latent psionic energy inside non sentient (0 Intelligence) plants and inanimate objects. The power also works against animated undead (skeletons and zombies), but doesn't affect incorporeal undead. It can't be used against animals, intelligent creatures, or free-willed undead.

The explosion causes destructive damage to the target, based on the MTHAC0 roll. If the roll is equal to the power's MAC, 10% of the target area is destroyed. For every number rolled above the MAC, an additional 10% is destroyed, up to a total of 8 cubic feet of material (by a single power use).

Monsters such as skeletons and golems targeted by the detonate power take damage based on the percentage of their mass that was destroyed, losing an equal percentage of hit points. Magically animated material, like golems, can make a saving throw vs. spell to resist detonation.

Weapons and armor that have been detonated receive penalties of –1 to attack rolls and AC values for each 10% destroyed. Magical items make a saving throw vs. disintegration to resist detonation. Vulnerable objects or living things within 10 feet of the target suffer 1d10 points of damage from the resulting explosion. A save vs. breath weapon reduces damage to half.
