Defense Modes[]
Psionic defense modes are special powers which all psionicists acquire naturally in time. All defense modes belong to the telepathic discipline. Psionicists learn these powers automatically as they gain new experience levels regardless of whether or not they have access to the telepathic discipline. Defense modes do not count toward the psionicist's maximum number of powers as listed in Table 4. Nor are they counted when characters determine the relative number of sciences and devotions they can acquire within a given discipline.
There are five psionic defense modes:
- Mind Blank
- Thought Shield
- Mental Barrier
- Tower of Iron Will
- Intellect Fortress
Each is described in Chapter 7, "Telepathy." All psionicists automatically know one of these powers at 1st level (player's choice). They learn another defense mode of the player's choice every other level - at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th.