Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

A death field is a life-sapping region of negative energy. Only psionicists of evil alignment can learn this power without suffering side effects. If any other psionicist tries to learn the death field, his alignment will gradually be twisted toward evil as he explores this very dark portion of his psyche.

A successful death field takes it toll on everyone inside it, including the psionicist. Before he initiates this power, he must decide how many hit points he will sacrifice. If the power works, the loss is inevitable; he gets no saving throw. Every other living thing within the death field must make a saving throw vs. death. Those who succeed escape damage.

Those who fail lose the same number of hit points as the psionicist. For the weak, that can mean death.

Power Score - The psionicist loses only half the number of hit points he specifies; victims who fail their saving throws lose the full amount.

20 - The power fails, but the psionicist loses the hit points anyway.
