The death bump is a spell generally used by ghul lords; and is a mixed blessing. It allows an individual receiving fatal damage in the round prior to its casting to return to life. However, it transfers all that damage from the victim to another nearby target individual (friend or foe alike).
When the spell is successfully cast, the recently dead (or dying) character rises to life in the following round with 1d6 hit points. These hit points are subtracted from total damage taken by the character in the round of death, and the remaining hit points are transferred to the target individual and subtracted from his hit point total.
The target individual doesn't have to be willing. An unwilling target is allowed a saving throw vs. death magic. If the saving throw is successful, the slain individual remains dead and the target individual suffers no damage. In this case, the ghul lord is instantly revealed as the caster of the spell, as a grayish nimbus of dim light surrounds him for several moments after the spell has been cast.
Notes: Common for ghul lords; very rare in Arabian settings; otherwise unknown.