Dead Man's Eyes causes the whites of the caster's eyes to turn black and his pupils to reshape themselves into small white skulls. The caster can affect one victim per round, providing the victim is within 3 feet of the caster and meets his gaze. Victims are affected as follows:
· Victims with 2 Hit Dice or fewer (or victims of level 2 or lower) instantly die. No saving throw is allowed.
· Victims with 2+ to 5 Hit Dice (or victims of level 3-5) instantly die unless they save vs. death magic at a -2 penalty. Those who succeed in their saving throws suffer 2-12 (2d6) hit points.
· Victims with 5+ Hit Dice or more (or victims of level 6 or greater) suffer 2-12 (2d6) hit points of damage unless they save vs. death magic.
If the caster's gaze is reflected back on him (by a mirror, calm water, etc.), he must make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer the same effects as a 5+ Hit Dice victim. At the end of the spell's duration, there is a 5 percent chance that the caster will become blind for the next 5-10 (1d6 + 4 hours).
The material components for this spell are two eyeball-sized glass marbles. The marbles must be the same color as the caster's eyes