By using this power, the telepath causes someone's mind to wander. This is only effective against characters with intelligence 14 or less who are not concentrating hard on the task before them, but are just going about their business in a casual, relaxed manner.
Once affected, the daydreamer pays little attention to his surroundings, making it much easier for someone to pick his pocket, slip past him unobserved, or otherwise escape his notice. Thieves gain a 20% bonus on their pick pockets, move silently, and hide in shadows scores. Other characters can perform these tasks as an average 4th level thief (pick pockets, 45%; move silently, 33%; hide in shadows, 25%). The DM can assign chances for success to other types of skulking and skullduggery.
Power Score - increase the bonuses to 30% for thieves and 5th level for others.
20 - The victim realizes someone is toying with his mind.