The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
When using danger sense, a psionicist will experience a slight tingling sensation at the back of his neck when a hazard or threat is near. The DM must make a successful power check on the psionicist's behalf before the character detects the danger. This power does not give the psionicist any specific information about the type of danger. He does not learn how or when it will strike. However, he does learn the general direction of the threat (i.e., to the right, left, ahead, or behind).
The character's power check results determine how much warning he gets. If the roll is 12 or more, he knows whether danger is lurking anywhere in the immediate area. If the roll is-8 or more, he enjoys a full round of warning before that danger strikes. If the roll is 7 or less, however, the psionicist isn't alerted until moments before danger strikes. If the roll is 1 exactly, he still has several moments' warning but the direction is off; e.g., if the attack, is coming from the left, he thinks it is coming from ahead, behind, or the right (DM's option).
If the psionicist and his companions have enough warning, they can do something to prepare-getting into defensive positions, preparing spells, or running away, for example. If they have less than one round of warning, the DM must decide how much preparation is possible. In any case, they always gain a +2 bonus on their own surprise rolls.
Power Score - The psionicist learns how far away the danger is.
20 - The psionicist cannot sense danger successfully for 1d6 hours.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power produces a slight tingling sensation at the back of the user's neck whenever a hazard or threat is near. When a character wants to activate this power, the DM makes the MTHAC0 roll for the character in secret. The DM informs the user whether the power has been successfully activated, but not how high the roll was. For every round that the user keeps the power in effect, he receives advance warning about the general direction of a threat.
No details about the type of danger are learned, or how or when the danger will strike. How much warning depends on the MTHAC0 roll. If the roll succeeds by +1 to +6, the user receives warning just moments before danger strikes. This gives him the opportunity to act before the danger strikes in the round, but no time to warn others. If the roll succeeds by +7 or better, the user knows whether danger is lurking within the area of effect a full round before it shows itself.
In addition to the above benefits, the power gives the user a +2 bonus to surprise rolls.