Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Table 99: Miscellaneous Magic: Girdles, Hats, Helms
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1-3 Girdle of Dwarvenkind 3,500
4 Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity
(Priest, Rogue, Warrior)
5-6 Girdle of Giant Strength
(Priest, Rogue Warrior)
7-9 Girdle of Many Pouches 1,000
10 Hat of Disguise 1,000
11 Hat of Stupidity
12 Helm of Brilliance 2,500
13-14 Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic 1,000
15 Helm of Opposite Alignment
16 Helm of Telepathy 3,000
17 Helm of Teleportation 2,500
18-19 Helm of Underwater Action 1,000
20 DM's Choice