Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Table 96: Miscellaneous Magic: Jewels, Jewelry, Phylacteries (D6)[]

Subtable A (1-3)[]

D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Amulet of Inescapable Location
2 Amulet of Life Protection 5,000
3 Amulet of the Planes 6,000
4 Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location 4,000
5 Amulet Versus Undead 200*
6 Beads of Force 200 ea.
7 Brooch of Shielding 1,000
8 Gem of Brightness 2,000
9 Gem of Insight 3,000
10 Gem of Seeing 2,000
11 Jewel of Attacks
12 Jewel of Flawlessness
13 Medallion of ESP 2,000
14 Medallion of Thought Projection
15 Necklace of Adaptation 1,000
16-17 Necklace of Missiles 100**
18 Necklace of Prayer Beads (Priest) 500***
19 Necklace of Strangulation
20 DM's Choice

Subtable B (4-6)[]

D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Pearl of Power (Wizard) 200*
2 Pearl of the Sirines 900
3 Pearl of Wisdom (Priest) 500
4 Periapt of Foul Rotting
5 Periapt of Health 1,000
6 Periapt of Proof Against Poison 1,500
7 Periapt of Wound Closure 1,000
8 Phylactery of Faithfulness (Priest) 1,000
9 Phylactery of Long Years (Priest) 3,000
10 Phylactery of Monstrous Attention (Priest)
11 Scarab of Death
12 Scarab of Enraging Enemies 1,000
13 Scarab of Insanity 1,500
14 Scarab of Protection 2,500
15 Scarab Versus Golems ****
16 Talisman of Pure Good (Priest) 3,500
17 Talisman of the Sphere (Wizard) 100
18 Talisman of Ultimate Evil (Priest) 3,500
19 Talisman of Zagy 1,000
20 DM's Choice
* Per level
** Per die of damage
*** Per special bead
**** See item description