Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Table 91: Rings (D6)[]

* The power of these rings is limited by the number of charges.
** per +1 of protection
Subtable A (1-4)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Animal Friendship 1,000
2 Blinking 1,000
3 Chameleon Power 1,000
4 Clumsiness
5 Contrariness
6-7 Delusion
8 Djinni Summoning * 3,000
9 Elemental Command 5,000
10 Feather Falling 1,000
11 Fire Resistance 1,000
12 Free Action 1,000
13 Human Influence 2,000
14 Invisibility 1,500
15-16 Jumping 1,000
17 Mammal Control * 1,000
18 Mind Shielding 500
19 Protection 1,000**
20 DM's Choice
Subtable B (5-6)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1-2 Protection 1,000**
3 Ram, Ring of the * 750
4 Regeneration 5,000
5 Shocking Grasp 1,000
6 Shooting Stars 3,000
7 Spell Storing 2,500
8 Spell Turning 2,000
9 Sustenance 500
10 Swimming 1,000
11 Telekinesis * 2,000
12 Truth 1,000
13 Warmth 1,000
14 Water Walking 1,000
15 Weakness
16 Wishes, Multiple * 5,000
17 Wishes, Three * 3,000
18 Wizardry * (Wizard) 4,000
19 X-Ray Vision 4,000
20 DM's Choice
* The power of these rings is limited by the number of charges.
** per +1 of protection