Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Table 69: NPC Spell Costs

Spell Required Minimum Cost
Astral spell 2,000 gp per person
Atonement *
Augury 200 gp
Bless *
Charm person 1,000 gp
Clairvoyance 50 gp per level of caster
Commune *
Comprehend languages 50 gp
Contact other plane 5,000 gp + 1,000 per question
Continual light 1,000 gp
Control weather 20,000 gp
Cure blindness 500 gp
Cure disease 500 gp
Cure light wounds 10 gp per point healed
Cure serious wounds 20 gp per point healed
Cure critical wounds 40 gp per point healed
Detection spells (any) 100 gp
Dispel magic 100 gp per level of the caster
Divination 500 gp
Earthquake *
Enchant an Item 20,000 gp plus other spells
ESP 500 gp
Explosive runes 1,000 gp
Find the path 1,000 gp
Fire trap 500 gp
Fools' gold 100 gp
Gate *
Glyph of warding 100 gp per level of the caster
Heal 50 gp per point healed
Identify 1,000 gp per item or function
Invisible stalker 5,000 gp
Invisibility 500 gp
Legend Lore 1,000 gp
Limited wish 20,000 gp **
Magic mouth 300 gp
Mass charm 5,000 gp
Neutralize poison 100 gp
Permanency 20,000 gp **
Plane shift *
Prayer *
Protection from evil 20 gp per level of caster
Raise dead *
Read magic 200 gp
Regenerate 20,000 gp
Reincarnation *
Remove curse 100 gp per level of caster
Restoration *
Slow poison 50 gp
Speak with dead 100 gp per level of caster
Suggestion 600 gp
Symbol 1,000 gp per level of caster
Teleport 2,000 gp per person
Tongues 100 gp
True seeing 5,000 gp
Wish 50,000 gp **
Wizard lock 50 gp per level of caster
* This spell is normally cast only for those of similar faith or belief. Even then a payment or service may be required.
** Some exceptional service will also be required of the player character.