Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Table 101: Miscellaneous Magic: Candles, Dusts, Ointments, Incense, and Stones
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Candle of Invocation (Priest) 1,000
2 Dust of Appearance 1,000
3 Dust of Disappearance 2,000
4 Dust of Dryness 1,000
5 Dust of Illusion 1,000
6 Dust of Tracelessness 500
7 Dust of Sneezing and Choking
8 Incense of Meditation (Priest) 500
9 Incense of Obsession (Priest)
10 Ioun Stones 300*
11 Keoghtom's Ointment 500
12 Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 500*
13 Philosopher's Stone 1,000
14 Smoke Powder **
15 Sovereign Glue 1,000
16 Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals 1,500
17 Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) 3,000
18 Stone of Weight (Loadstone)
19 Universal Solvent 1,000
20 DM's Choice
* Per stone or pot of pigment
** This item is optional and should not be given unless the arquebus is allowed in the campaign.