Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Creature Variations Table
Name AC Move hp Size HD #AT Dmg THAC0 AL XP Special
Byubo's Brass Statue * 2 6 61 10' (L) 6+1 1 4d10 15 N 1400 Hit only by +1 or better magical weapons.
Sogi Kora* 0 12 24 6' (M) 6 2 1d6+4/ 1d6+4 15 LN 800 On Thac0 roll of 20, seizes and throws opponent. When hit, weapon must save VS. crushing blow or be destroyed (7 or better for metal).
Stone Padhrasattva* 5 12 50 8' (L) 9 1 2d10 11 LN 2000 Immune to hold, sleep, charm, mind control, fire. Hit only by +1 or better magical weapons. Spells: color spray, dancing lights, chill touch, deafness (once per day).
Winter Troll 4 12 30 7' (L) 6+6 3 1d6/1d6/ 1d12 15 CE 1400 Immune to fire. Regenerates 3 hp per round. Will suffer 2d6 damage from a bucket of water.
Glacier Troll 4 12 32 8' (L) 8 4 1d6/1d6/ 1d12/1d12 13 CE 3000 Immune to fire. Regenerates 3 hp per round. Will suffer 2d6 damage from a bucket of water.
Katakoro Vulture 6 48 f 16 18' wings (L) 4 3 1d6/1d6/ 1d10 17 N 175 None.
Coombe Giant 14 42 10' (L) 10 2 1d8+4/ 1d8+4 11 NE 2000 Can use two weapons. Can only be knocked off its feet on a roll of 20.
Canyon Stirge 18 5 1' (T) 1+1 1 1d6 per round 17 N 175 Attacks and saves as a 4HD creature.
Mountain Naga 12 20 12' (L) 10 2 1d6/ deathgaze 11 N 4000 deathgaze (save VS. death magic).

Spells: color spray, chill touch, magic missile, spook, fog cloud, detect invisible, infravision, cause fear (x2), and hold person.

* Golem variation.
