- Jorana meditated before the dark waters of the oasis. her legs crossed before her in the lotus position. hers shaven scalp gleaming in the midday sun. Three weeks ago she had realized that if she was capable of summoning creatures from the elemental planes, she might also be capable of summoning the element itself: Since that day she had been meditating constantly, exploring the possibilities of such an ability.
- She concentrated on the water before her, feeling for the tenuous link that joined it to all water everywhere, the in tangible connection to the elemental plane of water. Suddenly, she found it! Gasping in surprise, she felt her mind immersed in cool water that stretched in every direction! Hurriedly, she men tally grabbed a volume of the precious liquid and dragged her consciousness back to her own body.
- Jorana awoke from her trance as gallons of water dropped out of nowhere in a sudden deluge. drenching her to the skin. I'll need a bucket next time. she thought with a weary smile.
Some psionicists search for new expressions of their abilities to create more useful effects or to overcome the shortcomings of existing powers. Characters may engage in meditation to develop new psionic powers. Inventing a new power is difficult. and many masters fail because of the time and hardship of such challenging meditation. Creating a new psionic power has a base time of 120 days.
To create a new power, the player should first write up a description of it. Cost. preparation time. area of effect, and range should all be covered. The player should also decide which discipline the proposed power falls into and whether it should be a science or devotion.
Once the player has prepared a new power proposal, the DM should take a long look at it. Is it too powerful? Is there a spell with a similar effect, and if so. how do the two compare? Are there any hidden applications? Will it unbalance the campaign?
If the idea looks well thought out and balanced, the DM should then take it and edit it carefully. The PSP cost may be too low, or the range too great. for what the PC has in mind. Once the DM is satisfied with the power, he should tell the player that he'll allow the character to attempt the research. He should, of course, also point out and explain any modifications he made to the players proposed power description.
For a character to develop a new power, he or she must have a slot of the appropriate kind open. If the psionicist is trying to create a new Psychometabolic devotion, he must have an empty slot for a devotion, and he must be able to spend it on a Psychometabolic power without violating the normal rules for selecting new powers with level advancement.
In addition, the character suffers a -4 penalty to any progress checks he makes during the meditation if he attempts to develop a new power outside his primary discipline. It is far easier to be a pioneer in your own area of specialization.