The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
A psionicist with this power can assemble matter from air and the surrounding area to create a solid object. This object remains in existence as long as the psionicist pays the power's maintenance cost. When he stops maintaining it, the object breaks into its constituent parts.
An object created this way can have any shape, color, and texture the psionicist desires, provided it fulfills at least one of the following conditions:
Fits entirely within a sphere no more than 4 feet in diameter.
Fits entirely within a cylinder no more than 20 feet long and 1 foot in diameter.
Fits entirely within a cylinder no more than 2 feet high and 6 feet in diameter.
Weighs no more than 10 pounds.
Only available materials within 20 yards of the psionicist can be used in the construction. However, these materials can be rearranged or restructured if the psionicist also has the power of molecular rearrangement. By combining these two powers, he could manufacture diamonds from coal dust or a sword from rocks containing iron ore.
If the power check result is a 1, the item contains a flaw - e.g., a sword breaks when struck, a diamond contains impurities obvious to a jeweler, and so on.
Power Score - The object is permanent. No cost is expended to maintain it.
20 - The power backfires, and a personal belonging (chosen randomly) disintegrates.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power allows a user to assemble matter from air and the surrounding area to create a solid object. Only materials within 20 yards of the user can be used in the construction. The object remains in existence for every round that the user continues to pay the PSP cost. During the round that the PSP cost isn't paid, the object breaks apart. An object created with this power can have any shape, color, and texture the user desires, provided it fulfills at least one of these conditions:
- Fits within a sphere no more than 4 feet in diameter.
- Fits within a cylinder no more than 20 feet high and 1 foot in diameter.
- Fits within a cylinder no more than 2 feet high and 6 feet in diameter.
- Weighs no more than 10 pounds.