Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell allows the creation of enchanted tat­toos. The exact nature of the tattoo is determined by the caster, and the tattoo's effect is based upon the level of the caster. Only one tattoo is created by this spell, although multiple applications are possible.

A wizard of 3rd to 6th level can inscribe the following tattoos:

+1 to any one saving throw (vs. death magic, vs. wands, and so on); +1 to attack rolls; or - 1 to AC.

A wizard of 7th to 12th level can inscribe the lower level tattoos, plus the following:

+1 to all saving throws; One extra attack every two rounds; and One extra spell - this can be of 1st or 2nd or 3rd level (only one spell, and only one level, not one of each).

A wizard of 13th level or higher can inscribe all of the above tattoos plus the following:

+5% magic resistance; +1 to any one attribute; or

+1 level of casting ability (this increases the caster's effective level, but not the total number of spells - an 11th - level wizard raised in cast­ing ability in this manner casts spells as a 12th - level wizard in terms of range, area of effect, and so on, but does not gain access to the increased number of spells or to 6th - level spells until he actually becomes a 12th - level) wizard).

Several restrictions limit the number and type of magical tattoos that an individual can bear. An individual cannot have more than three enchanted tattoos, and none of these can be of the same type. The casting wizard must also have a mod­icum of artistic talent, to sketch the desired tat­too. Some skin artists in Bezantur and elsewhere have prospered solely from their natural artistic talent and the use of this spell.

Red Wizards of Thay often bear enchanted tat­toos on their faces and shaved heads. It is believed that casters in Arabian, oriental, and savage set­tings have their own versions of the create enchanted tattoo spells.

Notes: Common for the Red Wizards of Thay; otherwise very rare.
