Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell defiles the corporeal body of the carefully preserved and sanctified dead and animates the deceased corpse as a mummy, with all the abilities thereof, as specified in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome.

If the defiled corpse was the body of someone with a predilection toward evil or who did not live in accordance with the princip les of maat, the corpse becomes a fully aware, free-willed mummy as its ba ( the life force of the deceased, but not his or her personality), driven to a crazed and insane state, reanimates the corporeal body and the ka ( the personality spirit of the deceased) flees its final home in the Outer Planes and returns to the corporeal body. This effect is permanent until the mummy is destroyed.

If the defiled corpse was the body of someone true to the principles of maat, the corporeal body is temporarily possessed by the spirit of a divine minion of Set and is animated as a mummy under the control of the spellcaster for 1 turn/level of the caster. When the spell expires, the body is restored to the control of its ba and walks or crawls to its place of eternal rest (if possible-or as close as it can get) to collapse to the ground, lifeless again.

The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and scrap of the burial shroud of a free-willed mummy.

Notes: Granted by the evil Mulhorandi god Set of the Forgotten Realms setting.
