Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

By controlling flames, a psionicist can make a normal fire bigger, smaller, hotter, or colder. He can even make it move around as if it were a living creature.

A fire's size can be increased by 100% or decreased by 50%. If the fire's heat is increased, it causes double damage. If its heat is reduced, the damage is halved. This applies to flaming torches, burning oil, and other normal fires, but not to magical fires such as fireballs or burning hands.

An animated fire can move up to 90 feet per round (MR 9). It can be shaped like a person or an animal, as long as it covers no more than 10 square feet of ground. If the fire moves away from its fuel, it can survive for only one more round, then dies out.

An animated fire can also attack by engulfing an opponent. The psionicist must make an attack roll using his regular THAC0. If successful, the attack causes 1d6 points of damage.

Power Score - Size can increase up to 200% or decrease to 0% (the fire is extinguished).

20 - The psionicist burns himself, suffering 1d4 points of damage.
