When a priest casts this spell, he forces an animal to do his bidding. The creature is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell; if it fails, the caster may direct the creature with simple commands to act in any fashion desired. Sample commands include attack, run, fetch, etc. Suicidal or self-destructive commands grant the subject another saving throw to break free of the caster’s control, with a +1 to +4 bonus depending on the extremity of the caster’s orders. Ordering an animal to engage in combat is not necessarily self-destructive, as long as the prospective opponent is not more than three times the animal’s Hit Dice or more than two size categories larger than the subject. For example, a wolf (3 Hit Dice, size M) would attack a troll (6+6 Hit Dice, size L) without hesitation, but it might break free of the caster’s control if ordered to attack a size H dragon or an 8+8 HD umber hulk.
Control animal establishes a mental link between the caster and the subject, and the animal can be directed by silent mental command as long as it remains within range. Because the caster’s intelligence directs the animal, the creature may be able to take actions normally beyond its own comprehension, such as manipulating objects with its paws and mouth. The caster need not concentrate in order to maintain control of the creature unless he is trying to direct it to do something it normally couldn’t.
Control animal only works on normal or giant-sized animals with Intelligence ratings between 1 and 4. Magical animals, monsters, and creatures of low Intelligence or higher are immune to the effects of this spell. Druids always avoid using this spell.
Notes: Uncommon for priests with access to the Animal sphere; barred to druids.