Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Powers & Pantheons Version[]

The use of this spell is standard practice in important business dealings in Mulhorand. A contract of Nephthys binds two individuals into a mutually acceptable agreement, the breaking of which carries very severe consequences.

During the casting of the spell, the caster must recite all the terms of the contract, down to the most exacting detail (thus the variable casting time). The spell fails if either party is not a willing participant, is under the effects of a charm spell (or similar effect or ability), or is not in their right mind, as adjudicated by the DM.

If either party should fail to meet the terms of the successfully cast contract of Nephthys due to factors beyond their control and despite their best efforts, the contractor finds the hand of Nephthys rests heavy on his or her business. Any attempt to earn a profit that would normally succeed, either for a business or for personal use, suffers the whims of fate and results in no net gain. (All losses are fully realized and breaking even can also occur.)

If either party should deliberately choose to not meet the terms of a contract of Nephthys, Nephthys's heel grinds the erring contractor's wealth into dust. In a short period of time, the whims of fate inexorably drive him or her into bankruptcy, destroy his or her business, and separate the contractor permanently from any remaining wealth.

Any penalties imposed by this spell cease one year after the creation of the contract of Nephthys, regardless of when the contract was violated. Lost wealth is not regained, however, except through renewed effort. The contract of Nephthys may be removed (through a short ritual statement) by the original caster with the willing agreement of both parries before its duration expire provided a forfeiture price is paid co the caster. The caster decides what forfeiture price is sufficient, but impoverishing the contractors is not desirable or allowed. If the original caster has died, a contract of Nephthys may be removed by a higher level priestess of Nephthys in the same manner.

Temple of Nephthy typically demand 1% to 5% of both parries' profit on any contract enforced by the magic of this spell plus the cost of the gold dust material component. Failure to pay the caster for the spell' casting has the same effect as deliberately violating the contract.

The material component of this spell is a hair from each participant and a handful of gold du t worth at least 100 gp that is thrown in the air over both contractor.

Priest's Spell Compendium Version[]

A contract of Nephthys binds two individuals into a mutually acceptable agreement, the break­ing of which carries severe consequences.

During the casting, the priest must recite all the terms of the contract, down to the most exacting detail (thus the variable casting time). The spell fails if either party is not a willing participant, is under the effects of a charm spell (or similar effect or ability), or is not in their right mind, as adjudi­cated by the DM.

If either party fails to meet the terms of the con­tract due to factors beyond their control and despite their best efforts, the contractor finds the hand of Nephthys rests heavy on his or her business. Any at­tempt to earn a profit that would normally succeed, either for a business or for personal use, suffers the whims of fate and results in no net gain. (All losses are fully realized and breaking even can also occur.)

If either party deliberately chooses to not meet the terms of the contract, Nephthys's heel grinds the erring contractor's wealth into dust. In a short period of time, the whims of fate inexorably drive that party into bankruptcy, destroy his or her busi­ness, and separate the contractor permanently from any remaining wealth.

Any penalties imposed by this spell cease one year after the creation of the contract, regardless of when the contract was violated. Lost wealth is re­gained only through renewed effort, however. The contract of Nephthys can be negated (through a short ritual statement) by the original caster with the willing agreement of both parties before its du­ration expires, provided a forfeiture price is paid to the caster. The caster decides what forfeiture price is sufficient, but impoverishing the contractors is not desirable or allowed. If the original caster has died, a contract can be negated by a higher-level priestess of Nephthys in the same manner.

The use of this spell is standard practice in im­portant business dealings in Mulhorand. Temples of Nephthys typically demand 1%to S% of both parties' profit on any contract enforced by the magic of this spell, plus the cost of the gold dust material component. Failure to pay for the spell's casting has the same effect as deliberately violat­ing the contract.

The material component of this spell is a hair from each participant and a handful of gold dust worth at least 100 gp that is thrown in the air over both contractors.

Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi god Nephthys of the Forgotten Realms setting.
