Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Complete Psionics Handbook[]

Not a proficiency in the Psionics Handbook.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

Contact: This proficiency gives characters access to the psionic attack forms necessary to open a closed mind. Contact allows characters to gain psionic attacks as they become available with level advancement.

Psionicists automatically receive this proficiency. It doesn't take up any of their available slots. As a psionicist increases in level, he automatically receives psionic attack forms as outlined on the Psionic Progression table. Psionic attack forms don't fill up a psionicist's proficiency slots.

Wild talents, on the other hand, must select contact and place it in an available nonweapon proficiency slot if they want to gain its benefits. Once contact is slotted, a wild talent selects one psionic attack. He may select an additional attack by placing it in an available nonweapon slot after he has advanced the appropriate number of levels, according to his group's progression rate. Wild talents may never have more than three of the five psionic attack forms.

Dark Sun Campaign Setting Revised[]

Contact is a proficiency that functions for psionicists and psionic wild talents. Psionicist PCs receive contact as a bonus proficiency, while wild talents must spend an available nonweapon proficiency slot to receive it. For full details on the uses and benefits of this proficiency, see The Way of the Psionicist book.
