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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Faiths & Avatars Version[]

Upon the casting of this spell, the caster opens a direct link with Chauntea and a portion of her essence forms a nature elemental (detailed in the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM booklet in the Ruins of Zhentil Keep boxed set) from the uncivilized and uncultivated portions of the priest's current surroundings. This spell is only granted by Chauntea deliberately to her clergy members after great consideration upon the damage it will inflict when used. (The only other church known to be able to cast a parallel form of this spell is that of Rillifane Rallithil, and he has refused its usage for over a century.)

Unless the caster is 17th level or higher, she or he must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. If the saving throw fails, the caster provides the spirit portion of the elemental's essence (it is composed of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit) and departs the Prime Material Plane when the elemental disperses at the end of the spell's duration. The caster is then dead, but his or her body remains intact (it is, oddly, not restructured like the environment) and may be raised or resurrected.

Priests must be above 17th level to inscribe this spell onto a scroll, and then only someone who is in touch with nature (druids, clerics or specialty priests of nature powers, or rangers above 5th level) can read the scroll. When reading from a scroll, a caster does not need to make a saving throw.

Nature elementals are summoned to return the spell's area of effect to an uncultivated state. All signs of civilization and all humans or humanoids within the area of effect are obliterated. The only people immune to the elemental's fury are the caster and up to 10 people per the caster's level within a 100-yard-radius who are designated upon casting the spell. The elemental disperses into its environmental components when a 1-mile radius is renovated or after 24 hours, whichever occurs first.

Unlike other elementals, nature elementals cannot be controlled. Their duties and the area in which they are to perform them are set at their summoning. If the area a nature elemental is summoned into is free of signs of civilization, the creature disperses. Nature elementals are not affected by protection from evil spells and like magics intended to hold at bay extraplanar creatures.

The reverse of this spell, dismiss nature elemental, disperses a summoned nature elemental.

The material components for this spell are burning incense, soft clay, sulfur, phosphorus, water, sand, and a duly consecrated holy symbol.

Priest's Spell Compendium Version[]

Upon the casting of this spell, the caster opens a direct link with Chauntea and a portion of her essence forms a nature elemental from the uncivi­lized and uncultivated portions of the priest's cur­rent surroundings.

A caster of 16th level or less must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. If the saving throw fails, the caster provides the spirit portion of the elemental's essence (it is composed of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit) and departs the Prime Material Plane when the elemental disperses at the end of the spell's duration. The caster is then dead, but his or her body remains intact (it is, oddly, not restructured like the environment) and can be raised or resurrected.

Priests must be above 17th level to inscribe this spell onto a scroll, and then only someone who is in touch with nature (druids, clerics or specialty priests of nature powers, or rangers above 5th level) can read the scroll. When reading from a scroll, a caster does not need to make a saving throw.

Nature elementals are summoned to return the spell's area of effect to an uncultivated state. All signs of civilization and all humans or humanoids within the area of effect are obliterated. The only people immune to the elemental's fury are the caster and up to 10 people per the caster's level within a 100-yard-radius who are designated upon casting the spell. The elemental disperses into its environmental components when a 1 -mile radius is renovated or after 24 hours, whichever occurs first.

Unlike other elementals, nature elementals cannot be controlled. Their duties and the area in which they are to perform them are set at their summoning. If the area a nature elemental is sum­moned into is free of signs of civilization, the crea­ture disperses. Nature elementals are not affected by protection from evil spells and like magics that hold extraplanar creatures at bay.

This spell is granted only by Chauntea to her clergy members after great consideration upon the damage it will inflict when used. (The only other church known able to cast a similar spell is that of Rillifane Rallathil, and he has refused its usage for over a century.)

The reverse of this spell, dismiss nature ele­mental, disperses a summoned nature elemental.

The material components for this spell are burning incense, soft clay, sulfur, phosphorus, water, sand, and a duly consecrated holy symbol.

Notes: Restricted to priests of Chauntea in the Forgotten Realms setting; possibly available to priests of Rillifane Rallathil (not known to be granted in over a century). Optionally available to nature priests.
