Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

All of the nonweapon proficiencies associated with the Warrior, Priest, and General groups are available to the paladin. Table 23 compiles these proficiencies, along with the new paladin proficiencies discussed in this chapter. Table 23 also lists the slot costs for each proficiency. Paladins may acquire proficiencies from the Wizard and Rogue groups by spending one slot beyond the listed cost.

Table 23: Nonweapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Slots Rel. Ability Mod.
Agriculture 1 Int 0
Ancient History 1 Int –1
Animal Handling* 1 Wis –1
Animal Lore* 1 Int 0
Animal Training* 1 Wis 0
Armorer* 2 Int –2
Artistic Ability 1 Wis 0
Astrology 2 Int 0
Blacksmithing 1 Str 0
Blind-fighting 2 NA NA
Bowyer/Fletcher 1 Dex –1
Brewing* 1 Int 0
Bureaucracy 2 Int 0
Carpentry 1 Str 0
Charioteering 1 Dex +2
Cobbling 1 Dex 0
Cooking 1 Int 0
Dancing 1 Dex 0
Diagnostics 1 Wis –1
Direction Sense 1 Wis +1
Endurance 2 Con 0
Engineering 2 Int –3
Etiquette 1 Cha 0
Fire-building 1 Wis –1
Fishing* 1 Wis –1
Gaming* 1 Cha 0
Healing* 2 Wis –2
Heraldry 1 Int 0
Herbalism 2 Int –2
Hunting* 1 Wis –1
Jousting 1 Dex +2
Languages, Ancient 1 Int 0
Languages, Modern 1 Int 0
Law 1 Wis 0
Leatherworking 1 Int 0
Local History 1 Cha 0
Mining 2 Wis –3
Mountaineering 1 NA NA
Musical Instrument 1 Dex –1
Navigation 1 Int –2
Oratory 1 Cha 0
Poetry 1 Int –2
Pottery 1 Dex –2
Reading/Writing 1 Int +1
Religion 1 Wis 0
Riding, Airborne* 2 Wis –2
Riding, Land* 1 Wis +3
Rope Use 1 Dex 0
Running 1 Con –6
Seamanship 1 Dex +1
Seamstress/Tailor 1 Dex –1
Set Snares 1 Dex –1
Singing 1 Cha 0
Spellcraft 1 Int –2
Stonemasonry 1 Str –2
Survival 2 Int 0
Swimming 1 Str 0
Tracking 2 Wis 0
Weaponsmithing 3 Int –3
Weather Sense 1 Wis –1
Weaving 1 Int –1
* These proficiencies have special applications for paladins, explained in the "Clarifications and Modifications" section.
Bold-faced entries indicate new proficiencies.
Italicized proficiencies require the player to select a specific area of specialization. For instance, a character with the Musical Instrument proficiency must specialize in one particular instrument. Each additional slot spent enables him to specialize in another instrument.
NA = Not applicable.