The use of combat cards is optional, but strongly recommended.
A combat card is a 3' x5' index card (or something similar) listing pertinent information for one psionic power. Each player makes one card for each power his character knows. Pertinent information includes the power score, initial cost and maintenance cost, range, preparation time, area of effect, and a brief description of the power's effect.
Combat cards serve three purposes. First, they're a handy reference collection - a sort of "psionic spellbook" for a character. Second, they help speed up the game when psionic powers are used during combat. And third, they make psychic contests more equitable.
If a character intends to use a psionic power during combat, the player thumbs through his combat cards until he finds the card for that power. Then he places the card in front of him, face down on the table. When the power takes effect, he flips the card face up. This way, if two psionicists do battle, neither psionicist can detect what his opponent is doing before he chooses his own action. If a character maintains a power from round to round, the card remains face up on the table as a reminder.
Combat cards can also be used to hide psionic activity from other players.
When a psionic power is put into use, the player can select the combat card and show it to the DM only, instead of announcing aloud something that he may not want everyone to know.