Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell creates a billowing cloud of yellowish-green vapors that resembles the effect of a wizard's cloudkill spell—but unlike the vapor cloud generated by that spell, a cloud of pestilence cannot be moved by any known means (though dispel magic causes it to fade into nothingness); it sits motionless until the spell expires. The caster is unaffected by his or her own cloud of pestilence, as is any creature wearing or bearing a consecrated holy symbol of Talona. All other creatures caught in or entering the acrid, foulsmelling vapor cloud must make a saving throw vs. spell:

During the first round of exposure to the vapors (or during initial exposure in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), those who succeed at the saving throw are unaffected. Those who fail the saving throw take 1d4 points of damage and begin coughing violently. Spellcasting, normal speech, and tasks requiring Dexterity, such as opening locks, writing, and the like, are now impossible.

On the second round of exposure (or second exposure in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), another saving throw must be made. If it is successful, the victim continues to cough and suffers another 1d4 points of damage. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the vapors inflict 3d4 points of damage, the victim is slowed (as the spell), the victim continues to cough, and the victim's vision becomes blurred, resulting in a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, difficulty in telling friend from foe when the two are near each other, and an increased possibility of tripping, bumping into things or people, and like effects.

On the third round of exposure (or third exposure to the same cloud of pestilence in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), another saving throw must be rolled. If successful, the victim takes 1d4 more points of damage and the coughing continues. If the victim fails the saving throw, she or he sinks into unconsciousness and takes 4d6 points of additional damage.

On the fourth round (or fourth exposure to the same cloud of pestilence), another saving throw must be rolled. If the victim succeeds at the saving throw, the vapors inflict 1d4 points of additional damage and the victim is caught in a coughing fit until the spell expires. If the victim fails the saving throw, the vapors inflict 4d6 points of additional damage, the victim continues coughing and is slowed for Id4+1 rounds after the cloud dissipates, and the victim contracts a lung disease that reduces his or her movement rate by 1, makes facial muscles twitch and tremble from time to time, and steals 1 hit point from the victim every 2 days. This hit point loss cannot be cured until the disease is cured and continues at the rate of 1 hit point every 2 days until death occurs or the disease is banished. The disease, known as Talona's grimace from the facial twitch it causes, is curable by magic and by the proper use of some herbal medicines, but not through simple rest.

Notes: Granted by Talona, Mistress of Disease, of the Forgotten Realms setting.
