Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Table 65: Base Climbing Success Rates[]

Table 65: Base Climbing Success Rates
Category Success Rate
Thief with mountaineering proficiency * Climb walls % + 10%
Thief Climb walls %
Mountaineering proficiency * 40% + 10% per proficiency slot
Mountaineer (decided by DM) 50%
Unskilled climber 40%
* Only if the optional proficiency system is used.

Table 66: Climbing Modifiers[]

Table 66: Climbing Modifiers
Situation Modifier
Abundant handholds (brush, trees, ledges) 40%
Rope and wall ** 55%
Sloped inward 25%
Banded, splint -25%
Plate armors (all types) -50%
Scale, chain -15%
Studded leather, padded -5%
Character race: *
Dwarf -10%
Gnome -15%
Halfling -15%
Encumbrance -5% 
Surface condition:
Slightly slippery (wet or crumbling) -25%
Slippery (icy, slimy) -40%
Climber wounded below  12 hp -10%
* These are the same as the modifiers given in 
** Rope and wall applies in most climbing situations in which the character is able to brace his feet against the surface being climbed and use a rope to assist in the task.
† This is -5% per encumbrance category above unencumbered, or per movement rate point lost off normal movement rate.

Table 67: Rates of Climbing[]

Table 67: Rates of Climbing
——————Surface Condition——————
Type of Surface Dry Slightly Slippery Slippery
Very smooth * ¼ —** —**
Smooth, cracked *  12 1-Mar ¼
Rough * 1 1-Mar ¼
Rough w/ledges 1  12 1-Mar
Ice wall ¼
Tree 4 3 2
Sloping wall 3 2 1
Rope and wall 2 1  12
* Nonthief characters must be mountaineers and have appropriate tools (pitons, rope, etc.) to climb these surfaces.
** Thief characters can climb very smooth, slightly slippery surfaces at ¼. However, even thieves cannot climb very smooth, slippery surfaces.