Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Claws of Velsharoon (Wizard Spell).

This spell enables the spellcaster to animate one crawling claw per level of experience. Once created, crawling claws can be directed by the telepathic commands of their creator or given duties similar to that of a skeleton. If any crawling claws are later destroyed , the spellcaster can animate additional severed limbs, but the total number of animate crawling claws can never exceed the caster's level.

The material components for this spell are a number severed limbs equal to the number of crawling claws to be animated and the priest's holy symbol.

Notes: Granted by the god Velsharoon the Lich Lord of the Forgotten Realms setting.

Crawling Claw: AC 7; MV 9; HD 2-4 hp; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 (armored foe), 1-6 (unarmored foe); SA Jump 15': SD immune to death magic, raise dead, charm, sleep, hold, control undead, turning, holy water; edged weapons inflict half damage, magical weapons inflict no damage bonus; SW resurrection im­mobilizes for 1 turn/caster level; cold-based spells make them brittle, giving a +1 damage bonus to melee attacks against them; AL N; SZ T; ML Fearless (19-20); XP 35.
