- See also Clairaudience.
The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
Clairaudience allows the user to hear sounds from a distant area. The psionicist picks a spot anywhere within range. He then can hear everything that he would be able to hear normally if he were standing in that spot. If the psionicist has enhanced senses, the senses apply to clairaudience as well.
The farther the "listening spot" is from the psionicist, the more difficult it is to use this power. The table below gives specifics.
Range Power Score Modifier 100 yards 0 1,000 yards -2 10 miles -4 100 miles -6 1,000 miles -8 10,000 miles -10 Interplanetary* -12
- * - Players with the SPELLJAMMER boxed set should note that clairaudience works only within a given crystal sphere or plane.
Using clairaudience does not screen out background noise around the psionicist. If something in his own neighborhood is raising a racket, he may have trouble hearing what is happening somewhere else. Clairaudience also does not give the psionicist the ability to understand a foreign or alien language, nor does it help him interpret sounds. For example, if the psionicist hears furniture scraping across the floor, he can only guess whether it's a chair or something else - just as if he heard it while blindfolded.
Power Score - The psionicist automatically gains clairvoyance of the area as well.
20 - The psionicist is deaf for 1d12 hours.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power allows the user to hear sounds from a distant area. The user picks a location he knows, makes an MTHAC0 roll, then listens to everything he would be able to hear normally if he were standing in that spot. If the user has enhanced hearing, that ability also applies to the use of clairaudience. The power doesn't screen out noise around the user's physical body, which may make it difficult to hear sounds elsewhere. The power doesn't provide any abilities to understand languages or interpret sounds. The distance of the listening spot modifies the power's MAC, as shown below.
Range Power's MAC 100 yards 8 1,000 yards 6 10 miles 4 100 miles 2 1,000 miles 0 10,000 miles –2 Interplanetary* –4
- * Clairaudience only works within a given plane or crystal sphere.
For example, a user trying to hear something 10,000 miles away would require a roll against a lower MAC. Instead of 8, for the closest range, the mental armor class would now be –2. If the user's MTHAC0 is 15, he needs to roll a 17 to successfully employ this power.