This spell creates an oversized but weightless scythe that can be wielded by any living creature either as a tool or as weapon. The scythe appears in the hands of the spellcaster, but may be given to another to be wielded. The scythe is a two-handed, 7-foot-long device that is a +2 enchanted weapon, dealing 2d4+2 points of piercing and slashing (Type P/S) physical damage (1d8+2 vs. L-sized or larger creatures) plus chilling for a further 1d4 points of damage (no saving throw). This chilling damage is caused by draining of life force, not by cold; however, the damage is not permanent as most types of life-force drain are, and it can be healed as normal. A chilling scythe has a speed factor of 5. Its dweomer enables its wielder to use it with no nonproficiency penalties.
If a chilling scythe even touches an undead creature it deals the undead being 4d6 points of damage and hurls it helplessly 20 feet away from the scythe. The undead creature cannot advance again until the next round even if this repulsion is brought up short by the creature impacting a barrier before the full distance is traversed.
The material component for this spell is a fragment of bone.
Notes: Granted by the god Kelemvor, Judge of the Damned, of the Forgotten Realms setting.