Charm of Isis enspells a small item—an amulet, talisman, or fatish elected by the spellcastcer—to serve as a protective charm. It functions only for only the person selected to use it by the priestess of Isis when it is enchanted and for only as long as that being's action are viewed favorably by Isis. It only functions while physically touching its owner's skin and is usually worn on a simple necklace beneath the owner's armor or shirt.
A charm of Isis can be enpelled to provide a bonus to Armor Class or saving throws, but not both. In either case, a charm of Isis provide a +1 bonus for every three levels (rounding down) of the priestess casting the spell, to a maximum of +5 at 15th level or higher. A priestess cannot have more than three charms of Isis created by her in existence at any time; hence, if a priestess has three in existence at once, the magic of one of the three must expire before another can be created. A priestess of Isis may create a charm for herself only when adventuring or traveling beyond the borders of the Old Empires.
The material component for this spell is the priestess's holy symbol.
Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi goddess Isis of the Forgotten Realms setting.