DARK SUN campaigns are set in a violent world. Powerful magic and psionics, desperate hordes of raiders, and the unforgiving environment conspire against player characters. This makes death a very real possibility for player characters. To offset this in DARK SUN campaigns, players are encouraged to use character trees. Although they play with only one character at a time, they have four to call upon at the beginning of any particular game session— thus minimizing the time needed to start up a game after a PC's death.
A character tree consists of one active character (which the player is using as his player character) and three inactive characters. The active character takes part in the adventure, performing actions in the campaign world. When a new adventure begins, the player may switch to one of his inactive characters or keep playing his previously active character.
The character tree's chief purpose is to give every player a pool of adventurers to choose from for different situations or when one of his characters dies. The player is familiar with these characters and can apply their strengths more readily than he might be able to with freshly created characters. If care is taken, the character tree can be a valuable tool for the player in an extended campaign.
To create a character tree, a player completely rolls up four characters, using the rules presented earlier in this chapter. Once this is done, the player selects the character that he intends to run for the first adventure, making that one his "active" character. The other three are considered inactive.
The four characters that make up a player's character tree are unrestricted as to class or race; any combination is acceptable. However, the alignment of these characters is restricted. All of the characters in a character tree must be like-aligned as to good, neutral, or evil. Devotion to chaos or law makes no difference, however.
For example, one character tree might have a chaotic-good dwarf gladiator, a lawful-good thri-kreen fighter, a neutral-good human bard, and a chaotic-good elf preserver. The thri-kreen couldn't be lawful evil or even lawful neutral and still be a part of this character tree.
If a character is forced to change alignment so that it no longer fits within the tree, that character must be discarded (or, optionally, the player may discard the other three, inserting three new characters into his tree and adopting this new alignment). Discarded characters should be given to the DM for use as NPCs.
Changing Characters[]
A player may switch his active character between adventures, during an adventure, or upon an active character's death, as noted in the following:
- Between adventures. When the DM concludes an adventure (he'll announce this in campaigns using the character tree rule), a player may switch his active character for an inactive one. The player isn't obligated to do so, and he may keep one character active through any number of consecutive adventures.
- During an adventure. Calling upon an inactive character to replace an active character requires time and energy—after all, the PCs on a character tree aren't following each other around at any given moment. In the scope of a campaign, messages must be sent, journeys must be made, and sometimes even searches must be launched for the transient inactive characters. Such a request could spur an adventure of its own. (Psionics and magic may make the task of summoning an inactive PC easier, but they can't and shouldn't solve all problems.)
DMs should be sparing in allowing players to switch active characters during an adventure, and they should impose a 3d6 day delay on campaign time. Obviously, a DM should never allow switching during critical or dangerous scenes of an adventure. Any switching of characters during an adventure is subject to the discretion of the DM, who may freely disallow this option.
- Upon an active character's death. When an active character dies, one of the inactive characters on the tree is assumed to arrive on the scene within one day (if possible) to fill his spot. The player picks which inactive character will arrive and must subsequently roll a new 3rd-level character to occupy the vacated spot on the tree. If circumstances make it difficult for a new character to arrive, the DM may be forced to extend the period before the newly activated PC can be worked into the story.
Character Advancement[]
The active character in a campaign receives experience points and advances in levels just as described in the Player's Handbook.
Every time the active character advances a level, the player may also advance one of his inactive characters one level. The selected inactive character must be of a lower level than the active character. Adjust the experience point total on the inactive character's record sheet to the minimum number necessary to attain the new level.
As only one inactive character gains a level of experience every time the active character does so, deciding which character to advance might be a decision based on which direction the campaign seems to be taking. If, for instance, a large war is in progress, a player may wish to use his fighter as his active character. If the war winds down, he might want to advance inactive nonfighter characters for the post-war adventures to come.
For purposes of character tree advancement, inactive multi- and dual-class characters may only advance in one class. As active characters, multiclass PCs cause inactive characters to advance when they increase one level in each of their classes. A dual-class character causes one inactive character to advance with every level he attains.
For inactive multiclass characters, care must be taken that a single experience point total can correctly yield the level combination. In general, an inactive multiclass character should never be more than one level different in each class (3/3/4 is okay; 3/3/9 is not).
The Status of Inactive characters[]
Inactive characters aren't NPCs or followers. They aren't involved in an adventure at any time, unless they're switched to active status. At no time will a player's active and inactive characters come into contact in a game session. Inactive characters are assumed to be "elsewhere" on Athas, performing other tasks appropriate to their classes and concerns.
All characters in a character tree are assumed to know each other and are working toward similar ends. The player may invent connections: the characters are all sons of the same noble, distant cousins, friends from the slave pits, etc. However, there's no need to have any relationship between them—the player may decide that the individuals in his character tree have no more than a passing acquaintance with one another.
Even though characters are on the same tree, they can't freely exchange equipment, magical items, wealth, or personal possessions. Keep separate lists for all such items. If there's a compelling reason to do so, however, characters may exchange important items or information between adventures. DMs need to be careful— this option can be easily abused. As a general rule, items stick with their original possessor.