- For other Canines, see Canine.
Cerberus is the giant, three-headed mastiff that guards the gates to the underworld. He will always allow dead people to enter the gates, but never permit them to leave. Living people must bribe him with a tasty treat to enter, but he will not permit them to leave, even if another such bribe is offered.
Although his master (Hades) occasionally allows him to roam about the earth free, Cerberus is most often found at the gates of Hades. If met here, nothing, including magic, can trick or force him into leaving his post.
If Cerberus is ever killed, Hades simply allows him to leave the underworld and journey back to the land of the living.
Special Att/Def: Cerberus has three heads, each of which can bite in combat. If the middle head opts not to bite, it spews a stream of poison spittle to a range of 30', causing death on contact (save versus death to negate). The collective stare of all three heads turns any mortal to stone (save versus petrification to negate). Cerberus regenerates 5 hit points per round.