Art from 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual
Types of Centaur:
Playable Race[]
The Complete Book of Humanoids
- Centaur (CBOH) - Centaur Entry
- Wemic (CBOH) - Wemic Entry
Player's Option: Skills & Powers
- The Races (POSP)#Centaur - Centaur Entry
- The Races (POSP)#Wemic - Wemic Entry
The Planewalker's Handbook
- Bariaur (PWH) - Bariaur Entry
Monster Entries[]
Monstrous Manual
- Centaur (Creature) (Sylvan Centaur)
- Wemic (Creature) (Leonine Centaur)
Dragonlance Appendix
Al-Qadim Appendix
Planescape: Planes of Law (2607)
- Centaur-Kin
Annual Volume III
- Formian (Centaur Ants)
- Worker
- Warrior
- Myrmarch
- Queen
- Hybsil (Faerie-kin/Antelope)
- Manotaur (Minotaur/Bull)
Mystara Appendix
- Actaeon (Elk Centaur)
- Chevall (Shapeshift Centaur)
- Nuckalavee (Evil Amphibious)
- Pegataur (Winged Centaur)
Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
- Dracon - (brontosaurus/human/dragon head)
Planescape Appendix I
- Bariaur (Creature) (Ram/Ewe Centaur)
Spelljammer Appendix I
- Rastipede (Insectoid Centaur)
The Horde (1055)