Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Centaur (Complete Book of Humanoids)[]

Ability Score Adjustments. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 bonus to Constitution and Wisdom, and a -2 penalty to Dexterity.

Ability Score Range
Ability Minimum Maximum
Strength 11 18
Dexterity 3 16
Constitution 11 18
Intelligence 3 16
Wisdom 4 18
Charisma 3 18
Class Restrictions
Class Maximum Level

Hit Dice. Player character centaurs receive hit dice by class. In addition they receive 4 bonus hit points at first level.

Alignment. Centaurs tend toward neutral or chaotic good. PC centaurs may be any alignment, but are usually neutral or chaotic good.

Natural Armor Class. 5.

Background. Centaurs have the upper torso, arms and head of a human, and the lower body of a horse. These woodland beings are sociable creatures, living in family groups organized into larger tribes. Tribes survive through hunting, foraging, fishing, agriculture and trade. They tend to shun humans, but often trade with elves for food and wine.

Centaurs welcome elves into their areas, sometimes even sharing territory with them. Humans and dwarves receive polite invitations to leave, while halflings and gnomes are usually tolerated.

Centaurs mate for life, and the males clearly have the dominant role in their society. They are pastoral beings who can be violent when the need arises. They live in harmony with nature and know how to conserve resources. They keep things in balance, planting a tree for every one they chop down and taking only what the environment can easily give.

These woodland creatures use a variety of weapons, including oaken clubs, composite bows and medium horse lances. Some carry shields, and a few wear special centaur armor.

Languages. Centaur, elvish, common.

Role-Playing Suggestions. Centaur player characters are either young stallions and mares who have not yet found their life mates, or widows and widowers who have lost their mates and taken up a life of adventure in order to ease their pain. They are a strong, proud race, easily offended and impulsive.

Centaurs live in balance. They must eat a lot to power their great bodies, and have been known to over-indulge when it comes to wine and ale. Under the influence of alcohol, centaurs display rowdy, boorish, and aggressive behavior.

Those centaurs deciding to explore the world as adventurers usually do so to satisfy an innate curiosity and wanderlust that sometimes becomes a compulsion. They make excellent companions, good fighters, and hardy travelers. While they might sometimes offer a two-legged companion a ride, centaurs do not consider themselves pack animals or sources of transportation. In fact, they often become insulted if such a role is suggested. They also do not tolerate horse jokes, though otherwise they have good senses of humor.

Special Advantages. Centaurs can make three melee attacks in a round: once with thenweapons and twice with their front hooves. Hooves cause 1-6 points of damage each.

Centaurs armed with lances can charge for double damage, but cannot attack with their hooves in that same round.

Special Disadvantages. Centaurs take damage as large creatures. They have difficulty negotiating underground settings.

Monstrous Traits. Appearance.

Superstitions. Fear of dragons and giants, see omens and portents in nature.

Weapon Proficiencies: Composite long bow, medium horse lance, great club.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Animal lore, agriculture, animal noise, armorer, artistic ability, bowyer/fletcher, brewing, drinking, eating, fishing, hunting, leatherworking, natural fighting, running, set snares, survival (forests), tracking, weaving, winemaking.
