Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This section contains the details of the 1st Edition cantrip spells. In the 2nd Edition, this whole rule system was replaced by a single 1st-level spell that allows a wizard to cast as many different minor ef­fects as desired within a long period of time (8 hours). The 1st Edition cantrips are presented here as examples of what a wizard might do with the 2nd Edition cantrip spell. In the 1st Edition rules, a segment was 1/10th of a round. These cantrips were originally published in Unearthed Arcana.

Cantrips are minor spells learned by appren­tice wizards during their long, rigorous, and te­dious training for the craft of magic-use. An aspiring wizard can use one cantrip per day as a 0-level neophyte (-2,000 XP to -1,001 XP), two cantrips per day as a 0-level initiate (-1,000 to -501), and three cantrips per day as a 0-level ap­prentice (-500 to -1). Cantrips are memorized just as are higher-level spells.

Most cantrips are simple little spells of no great effect. When the individual becomes a 1st-level wizard, these small magics are usually dis­carded in favor of the more powerful spells then available. However, a wizard may choose to retain up to four cantrips in place of one 1st-level spell. This assumes that the wizard has, in fact, retained his or her book of cantrips—a tome as large as a good-sized book of higher-level spells.

All cantrips are 0 level, have a 10-yard range, have a generally small area of effect. They re­quire only soft, simple verbal and somatic com­ponents, and are cast in a very short time ( 110 to  12 segment). They manifest as a brief burst of magic that quickly fades, leaving at most a minor physi­cal change that persists until altered by time or labor. Only cantrips that involve living creatures allow any saving throw. Also, cantrips do not generally break states of extreme concentration (such as when casting a spell). The effects of cantrips, and the people and items affected by them, radiate a very faint magical aura that lasts for no more than a turn once the magic fades.

Cantrips are grouped according to general effect or purpose into seven categories: useful, re­versed, legerdemain, person-affecting, personal, and haunting-sound—the last, available only to illusionists, is the group of minor illusion cantrips (marked “*”). Any wizard might know cantrips in any of the first six categories, unless barred by specialty oppositions. There is a special section on cantrips from the Forgotten Realms setting; these are denoted on the list as very rare cantrips (italicized).

Casting Cantrips in 1st Edition Campaigns[]

Cantrips are cast the same way that spells are cast. Up to two cantrips can be cast during any round by a single wizard or apprentice. Furthermore, the moment of casting in the round of casting is dependent on the usual fee-tots: surprise, initiative, and so on. After the first of the two cantrips is cast, the wizard player rolls a four-sided die to determine how many segments later be or she can cast the second cantrip (if so desired). It is not possible to cast both a spell and a cantrip during the same round, no matter how short the casting times are.

Researching or Finding Cantrips[]

Beginning with 2nd Edition, cantrip effects are usually created on the spot by the wizard; thus, no research is necessary. However, some cantrip effects might be made available through the discovery of ancient tomes. A wizard who finds a cantrip in such a tome must study the pages describing it for at least a week before being able to cast it successfully. If the 1st Edition rules are used, or if the DM allows characters to develop special variations that: only they can cast, then a cantrip is assumed to be one-half level for the purpose of research.

FORGOTTERN REALMS cantrips are in italics.
Illusion cantrips are marked with an asterisk (*).
Name Catagory School
Chill (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Clean (Cantrip) Useful Abjuration
Cut (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Color (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Dampen (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Dry (Cantrip) Useful Abjuration
Dust (Cantrip) Useful Abjuration
Exterminate (Cantrip) Useful Abjuration
Flavor (Cantrip) Useful Enchantment
Freshen (Cantrip) Useful Enchantment
Gallop (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Gather (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Polish (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Salt (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Shine (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Spice (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Sprout (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Stitch (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Sweeten (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Tie (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Warm (Cantrip) Useful Evocation
Wrap (Cantrip) Useful Alteration
Curdle (Cantrip) Reversed Enchantment
Dirty (Cantrip) Reversed Evocation
Dusty (Cantrip) Reversed Evocation
Hairy (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Knot (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Ravel (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Scorch (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Sour (Cantrip) Reversed Evocation
Spill (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Tangle (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Tarnish (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Untie (Cantrip) Reversed Alteration
Wilt (Cantrip) Reversed Enchantment
Change (Cantrip) Legerdemain Alteration
Distract (Cantrip) Legerdemain Enchantment
Hide (Cantrip) Legerdemain Illusion
Mute (Cantrip) Legerdemain Alteration
Palm (Cantrip) Legerdemain Illusion
Present (Cantrip) Legerdemain Alteration
Belch (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Blink (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Cough (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Giggle (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Charm
Listen (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Alteration
Nod (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Scratch (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Snatch (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Sneeze (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Sting (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Alteration
Twitch (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Wink (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Enchantment
Yawn (Cantrip) Person-Affecting Evocation
Bee (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration/Summoning
Bluelight (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration
Bug (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration/Summoning
Catfeet (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Alteration
Firefinger (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Alteration
Gnats (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration/Summoning
Mouse (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration/Summoning
Smokepuff (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Evocation
Spark (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Evocation
Spider (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration/Summoning
Tweak (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration
Unlock (Cantrip) Personal Cantrips Conjuration/Summoning
Creak (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Evocation
Footfall (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Illusion
Groan (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Illusion
Horn (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Evocation
Moan (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Illusion
Rattle (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Illusion
Tap (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Evocation
Thump (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Illusion
Whistle (Cantrip) Haunting Cantrips Evocation
Colored Lights (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Alteration
Dim (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Alteration
Haze (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Alteration
Mask (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Illusion
Mirage (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Illusion
Noise (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Illusion
Rainbow (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Alteration
Two-D'lusion (Cantrip)* Minor Illusion Cantrips Illusion