Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Mammals, see Mammal.

Desert Mountain Racing War
Climate/Terrain: Any land Any land Any land Any land
Frequency: Common Common Common Common
Organization: Herd Herd Herd Herd
Activity Cycle: Day Day Day Day
Diet: Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore
Intelligence: Animal to Semi- (1-4) Animal to Semi- (1-4) Animal to Semi- (1-4) Animal to Semi- (1-4)
Treasure: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing: 1-12 1-12 1-6 1-12
Armor Class: 7 7 7 7
Movement: 21 21 24 21
Hit Dice: 3 3 2+2 3+3
THAC0: 17 17 19 16
No. of Attacks: 1 1 1 3
Damage/Attack: 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4/1-6/1-6
Special Attacks: Spitting, trample Spitting, trample Spitting, trample Spitting, trample
Special Defenses: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Size: L (8' tall) L (8' tall) L (8' tall) L (8' tall)
Morale: Steady (12) Steady (12) Unreliable (3) Elite (13)
XP Value: 65 65 75 95

Camels are the ships of the desert, and they carry a lifeline of trade and commerce in the caravans crossing the sands from city to city. Camels can withstand the rigors of desert terrain well but require careful, experienced handling. A camel's humps allow it to go without food or water for up to two weeks.

Camels are tall, spindly mounts, with padded feet and awkward saddles perched before their humps. Their fur varies from white to pale tan to deep brown and from short, desert hair to shaggy mountain camel fur. The rarer white camels bring 2-5 times the usual price, as they are considered lucky. Desert, racing, and war camels are all of the one-hump variety; mountain camels have two humps.


Nasty-tempered camels have a 50% chance of spitting at persons attempting to ride them or use them as pack animals. The victim of a spit attack has a 25% chance of being blinded for 1-3 rounds.

If frightened, there is a 25% chance that a herd of camels will stampede. If a herd stampedes, roll 2d4 for each creature in the path of the stampede who does not take cover (such as by hiding in a tree or behind a rock pile or wall). This is the number of camels trampling the exposed creature. Trampling causes 1-4 points of damage per camel. Trampled opponents cannot regain their feet until the stampede passes.


Breeding camels of all types are especially valued. Camels bear only a single offspring each year, and strong and well-tempered animals are pampered to produce as many as possible before their breeding days are done.

Like horses, camels can have grades of quality as described in the DMG, page 36.


Camels eat grass, grains, and shrubbery. They can carry heavy loads for long periods of time. The following chart shows the camels' carrying capacity in gold pieces under various loads. Camels are loaded while kneeling, and they often refuse to get up under more than their encumbered load.

Normal Encumbered Fully Encumbered
Desert 250 400 520
Mountain 240 380 500
Racing 150 280 340
War 200 300 400

War Camel[]

Suitable for most types of warfare, these animals are trained not to shy away from blood and mayhem. They attack with their bite (1d4) and with their hooves, which cause 1-6 points of damage each. If successful, the hoof attacks force the opponent to remain prone. War camels are usually culled from the strongest members of a group of desert camels and then trained intensively for several years. In some cases, however, they are bred exclusively from retired war camels, thus improving the line.

Desert Camel[]

With their wide, padded feet and fat-rich, watery humps, desert camels are ideal mounts for traveling through the wastes. They are slow but steady animals, capable of taking heavy loads through difficult climates and terrain. They sway more and have a longer, more rolling gait than horses.

Mountain Camel[]

Mountain camels are common in the hills and mountains where they serve as pack animals. They are not useful in the desert.

Racing Camel[]

Bred for speed rather than temperament, racing camels are the most expensive and least likable camels. They are aggressive and spit often, even at their trainers and riders. Their small hooves and long, thin legs give them incredible speed, but they are usually trained to accept only a very limited set of riders. A good racing camel costs at least twice as much as a war camel, and may cost much more.
