Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell enables the wizard to summon the spirit of one specific deceased individual and question it. The spell must be cast by night, within 20 yards of the place where the creatures remains lie. Unlike speak with dead, the amount of time that has elapsed since the creature's death does not matter. However, the wizard must know who is summoned: a name is required.

The spirit arrives in 1d4 rounds after the completion of the casting. The caster can ask three questions of the spirit, plus one for every four levels over 14th (four questions at 18th level, five at 22nd and so on). The spirit is compelled to answer truthfully and without evasion if the answer is known to it.

The spirit is 50% likely to know the answer to any question asked of it. The DM may modify this if the question is particularly relevant to the spirit. For example, asking the spirit of a hero who took part in those events would merit a +25% bonus, while asking a spirit about events that took place on the other side of the world and five centuries before its lifetime is not particularly relevant, so a - 25% penalty would be appropriate. In addition, the caster can command the spirit to search the spirit world for the answer, which grants a +20% bonus to the chance for an answer. However, this requires anywhere from 1 turn to one day, depend­ing on the difficulty or complexity of the question. The caster must wait within range of the spirit's remains for its return, or the spell is broken and the spirit is released from its task. If the spirit does not know the answer and is unable to discover one, it tells the caster so.

Call spirit lasts until dispelled or until the caster has received a response for each question he is entitled to ask. This could require several days, if the spirit is sent on multiple searches of the spirit world.

The material component is an item or keepsake prized by the spirit in life. This vanishes upon completion of the spell.

Notes: Common for necromancers and witches; uncommon for diviners; rare for others. (Updated from Dragon Magazine)
