- Table 1: Nonweapon Proficiencies - Thieves
- Table 2: Suggested Begging Modifiers
- Table 3: Fast - Talking Modifiers
- Table 4: Thieving Skill, Thief Kit Modifiers
- Table 5: Urlar's Skill Adjustments
- Table 6: Aljahar's Experience Table and Spells
- Table 7: Wealth of Community With Thieves' Guild
- Table 8: Legal Attitudes
- Table 9: Merchants' Attitudes Toward Thieves
- Table 10: Thieves and Other Guilds
- Table 11: Thieves in Towns and Cities
- Table 12: Guild Rulership
- Table 13: Unusual Guild rulership
- Table 14: Rulership Style
- Table 15: Guild Organization
- Table 16: Guild Attitudes Towards Guildless Thieves
- Table 17: Experience Levels of Thieves
- Table 18: Thief Races
- Table 19: Thief Classes
- Table 20: NPC Thief Alignments
- Table 21: Availability of Resources
- Table 22: Modifiers to Guild Income
- Table 23: Guild Monthly Income
- Table 24: Confrontations with the Law I
- Table 25: Confrontations with the Law II
- Table 26: Modifiers to Followers Dice Rolls
- Table 27: Special Events in Thieves' Guilds
- Table 28: Silenced Armor (Elfin Chain) Effect on Skill
- Table 29: Grappling Success
- Table 30: Special Function Arrows
- Table 31: Purchasing Thief Equipment
- Table 32: Magical Items for Thieves
- Table 33: Potions and Oils
- Table 34: Misc. Magic: Clothing and Jewelry
- Table 35: Other Sneaky Stuff
- Table 36: Magic Weapons
- Table 37: Effects of Armor on Acrobatic Proficiencies
- Table 38: Effects of Armor on Thief Skills