Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The burning sands spell is used to cause sand to become combustible. The sand retains its nat­ural form and texture but gains the flammable properties of lantern oil. The sand will burn with a colorless, odorless flame for one hour or until the end of the spell's duration, whichever is longer. The burning sands spell can be used as an attack by hurling the sand at an opponent and then lighting it. If used in this manner, it func­tions exactly as does burning oil.

This spell sees most use among nomadic tribes who do not wish to carry wood for fires through areas where deadwood is not common. A single handful of burning sand gives off the same heat as a small campfire and can be used for cooking. The burning sand cannot be extinguished by any natural means, making it ideal for use in wet or windy conditions.

Notes: Uncommon in Arabian settings; other­wise very rare.
