Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The wearer of these ordinary-looking boots is able, on command, to alter the tracks he leaves. The footprints of the wearer can be made as small as those of a halfling or as large as those of an ogre, bare or shod as desired. In addition, each pair of these boots has four additional track-making capabilities. Roll 1d6 four times to determine the subtable used, followed by 1d8 four times:

Subtable A (1-3)
D8 Roll Track Print Left
1 Basilisk
2 Bear
3 Boar
4 Bull
5 Camel
6 Dog
7 Giant, hill
8 Goat
Subtable B (4-6)
D8 Roll Track Print Left
1 Horse
2 Lion (or giant lynx)
3 Mule
4 Rabbit
5 Stag
6 Tiger (or leopard)
7 Wolf
8 Wyvern