Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

These magical boots expand or contract to fit any foot size, from halfling to giant (just as other magical boots do). They radiate a dim magic if detection is used. They are indistinguishable from other magical boots, and until actual melee combat is engaged in they function like one of the other types of useful boots below—DM's choice.

When the wearer is in (or fleeing from) melee combat, the boots of dancing impede movement, begin to tap and shuffle, heel and toe, or shuffle off to Buffalo, making the wearer behave as if Otto's irresistible dance spell had been cast upon him (-4 penalty to Armor Class rating, saving throws with a -6, and no attacks possible). Only a remove curse spell will enable the boots to be removed once their true nature is revealed.

Boots of dancing have no effect upon a jester (a bard kit).
