A wizard can use this spell to enchant a bone, causing it to become a magical club. This magical weapon acts as a club +4 against undead, inflicting 5-10 (1d6 +4) hit points of damage, and a club +1 against all other opponents, inflicting 2-7 (1d6 + 1) hit points of damage. The bone can be from any animal, providing the bone normally could be wielded as a club; for instance, a human femur could be enchanted by this spell, but a skull could not. At the end of the spell's duration, the bone club reverts to a normal bone.
If the proficiency rules are being used, characters with a weapon proficiency with a club also have a profiency with a bone club. Those wielding a bone club without the club profiency suffer the penalties described on page 52 of the Player's Handbook.
The material components for this spell are an appropriately-sized bone and a pinch of dirt from a grave
Notes: Uncommon in savage settings or among wizards allied with Beast Cults; otherwise very rare.