By casting this spell, the priest channels a bolt of divine energy against one creature. No attack roll is needed. Creatures struck suffer varying damage, depending on their home plane of existence and nature.
A saving throw vs. spell is allowed for half damage. For denizens of the Lower Outer Planes (fiends), undead creatures, and Negative Material Plane creatures, such a saving throw is made with a —2 penalty.
Creature's Home Plane | Damage |
Prime Material Plane | 5d6 |
Elemental Planes or Outer Planes of Neutrality (Arcadia, Mechanus, Acheron, Ysgard, Limbo, Pandemonium) |
5d4 |
Positive Material Plane or Outer Planes of Good (Mount Celestia, Bytopia, Elysium, the Beastlands, Arborea) |
None |
Outer Planes of Evil, undead creatures (Baator, Gehenna, the Gray Waste, Carceri, the Abyss) |
10d6 |
Negative Material Plane | 15d6 |
Astral or Ethereal Plane | 4d6 |
The material component of this spell is a small amber rod banded with bronze.
Notes: Granted by Heironcous the Invincible, of the World of Greyhawk setting, and by Torm, god of duty, of the Forgotten Realms setting.