Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

By casting this spell, the priest channels a bolt of divine energy against one creature. No attack roll is needed. Creatures struck suffer varying damage, depending on their home plane of existence and nature.

A saving throw vs. spell is allowed for half damage. For denizens of the Lower Outer Planes (fiends), undead creatures, and Negative Material Plane creatures, such a saving throw is made with a —2 penalty.

Creature's Home Plane Damage
Prime Material Plane 5d6
Elemental Planes or Outer Planes of Neutrality
(Arcadia, Mechanus, Acheron, Ysgard, Limbo, Pandemonium)
Positive Material Plane or Outer Planes of Good
(Mount Celestia, Bytopia, Elysium, the Beastlands, Arborea)
Outer Planes of Evil, undead creatures
(Baator, Gehenna, the Gray Waste, Carceri, the Abyss)
Negative Material Plane 15d6
Astral or Ethereal Plane 4d6

The material component of this spell is a small amber rod banded with bronze.

Notes: Granted by Heironcous the Invincible, of the World of Greyhawk setting, and by Torm, god of duty, of the Forgotten Realms setting.
