Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

Body weaponry allows the psionicist to convert one of his arms into a weapon. Virtually any sort of weapon can be imitated - except a short bow, hand crossbow, light crossbow, or any weapon the psionicist cannot normally use. The arm actually becomes wood and/or metal, and assumes the weapon's form. It behaves in every respect like a normal weapon of the chosen type, with a bonus: it can never be dropped or stolen.

Power Score - The "armament" gives the psionicist a +1 attack bonus (but no damage bonus).

20 - The psionicist must make a system shock roll or pass out for 1d10 rounds.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power allows the user to convert one of his arms into a weapon. Virtually any sort of weapon can be imitated, except ranged weapons (such as bows) or any weapon the user isn't proficient with. The arm actually becomes rock, bone, wood, or metal and assumes the weapon's form. It behaves in every respect like a normal weapon of the chosen type, with the bonus that it can't be dropped or stolen.
