Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

This power allows a psionicist to adapt his body to a hostile environment. The change must be keyed to a specific surrounding: water, acid, extreme heat, extreme cold, an elemental plane, etc. If the power works, the psionicist not only survives, he fits in like a native organism. He can breathe and move normally, and he takes no damage simply from being in that environment.

An attack in any form does not constitute an environment. For example, a character who can survive subarctic temperatures is still vulnerable to a cone of cold.

Power Score - The psionicist can adapt himself to a new environment while maintaining the power.

20 - The character becomes even more vulnerable, and the environment causes 1d4 points of damage per round (a second use of body control halts damage).

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power allows the user to adapt his body to a hostile environment. The change must be keyed to a specific surrounding: water, acid, extreme heat, extreme cold, an elemental plane, etc. If the power works, the user not only survives, he behaves like a native organism. He can breathe and move normally, suffering no damage from the environment. However, a character who can survive extreme cold is still vulnerable to a cone of cold spell.
